Paranormal Services

Before an investigation, we provide the following for each client/clients:
  1. Pre-Compilation: Gathering of information (provided by client)
  2. Historical Research: Try to pinpoint a reason for the haunting
During an investigation, we provide the following for each client/clients:
Initial Investigation
  1. Debunking: Try to find a natural cause for the phenomena
  2. Still Digital Photos: Documentation during the investigation
  3. Digital Recording: Documentation during the investigation
  4. Spirit Divining: Using divining rods to detect spirits
  5. Post-Compilation: Reviewing gathered information with client/clients
  6. Data Retrieval: Assemble pertinent data for "Final Report"  
(Note: If paranormal activity is present during the investigation, the Post-Investigation will be instituted. If NO paranormal activity exists, the Post-Investigation will not be instituted.)
  1. Cleansing the Area: Entire home/facility is cleansed with blessed sage to ward off any evil spirits that could be present
  2. Spirit Divining: Using divining rods to communicate with the spirits
  3. Exhortation: Imploring the spirit to cross over (a minority of spirits will not cross over during the first visit)
  4. Blessing the Area: Entire home/facility is blessed after an investigation, whether a spirit crosses over or not